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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

The Pharaoh
Wednesday 16th October 2013 18:52
Vis Insita
Ron wasn't with Harry when Harry killed the diary, so how would he know it was screaming and bleeding ink all over the place? At most he would've heard it from Harry, and asked him for confirmation here when he mentioned it.
As a gamer, I lmfao'd at "The princess is in another castle." That was extremely appropriate for the situation, fit Scott's humor, and amused me inordinately much. Aside from that, I think the times when Scott antagonizes Hermione (deliberately or not) about her being a sexual being amuse me the most, oddly enough. I appreciate in a completely different way the clinical nature of Scott's guess at what she was thinking about; it reminds you that there's a highly professional side to him, too (even if he rarely chooses to use it).
Glad to see you're keeping this up! Moar plz!
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 04:02Vis Insita (Author Response)
Ron wasn't with Harry when Harry killed the diary, so how would he know it was screaming and bleeding ink all over the place? At most he would've heard it from Harry, and asked him for confirmation here when he mentioned it.

That's a fair point, and it might be worth changing. But I assumed Ron had heard that story enough times to know the details -- I think the death of the diary has even been previously discussed, or at least alluded to before in TTM or Vis. Either way, I don't think Sherry would appreciate another email attachment to alter a single line.

As a gamer, I lmfao'd at "The princess is in another castle." That was extremely appropriate for the situation, fit Scott's humor, and amused me inordinately much.

Yeah, it really pissed Harry off but it was probably worth it.

Aside from that, I think the times when Scott antagonizes Hermione (deliberately or not) about her being a sexual being amuse me the most, oddly enough. I appreciate in a completely different way the clinical nature of Scott's guess at what she was thinking about; it reminds you that there's a highly professional side to him, too (even if he rarely chooses to use it).

Professional in the field, professional when it's needed. It can be self-defeating for an integrationist to treat his Primes like clients. Not that Hermione wouldn't appreciate a little more detachment from Scott.
Tuesday 8th October 2013 11:37
Vis Insita
Good to see a flurry of activity on this site. Even better to see your update. Lots of good bits in this chapter. (A.N. is a bit short.)
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 03:58Vis Insita (Author Response)
Yeah, I was thinking about writing something for the Phoenixsong anniversary thing but I have zero inspiration, I don't know what I would write. I thought about some kind of outtake from this, but I'm not sure I want to write anything that expands TTM or Vis Insita like that.
Sunday 6th October 2013 07:21
Vis Insita
Another great chapter, you write the characters so well, Scott's muggle references mixing with the wizarding world is always fun to read. Have you written any original fiction? I'd love to read some
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 03:57Vis Insita (Author Response)
I haven't written anything original worth reading, and nothing finished. Just a lot of scattered ideas that never come to anything.
Saturday 5th October 2013 01:52
Vis Insita
This is a really good story. Everything scott says, I would probably say in that same situation.
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 03:56Vis Insita (Author Response)
I hope you wouldn't say exactly the same things, since then people will think you're crazy, what with all the references to things that don't exist.
Tuesday 1st October 2013 03:38
Vis Insita
Harry is lucky that Ginny did not hear him, otherwise he would be in the dog house! I loved the contraceptive charm bit, it was really fun to read)
Tuesday 22nd October 2013 03:55Vis Insita (Author Response)
Scott was just being responsible, in his own terrible, terrible way.