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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Tuesday 10th June 2014 04:47
Vis Insita
I enjoyed this take on their visit, glad that Ron and Hermione saw some action as well for a change!
I noticed that you've used the correct storey as well, I do realise that it wasn't done because of me though!
Thank you, Sue x
Tuesday 17th June 2014 23:23Vis Insita (Author Response)
Ron and Hermione almost didn't have their clothing described, but I decided that wasn't fair and expanded their part. And it was nice to give them their own action segment.
The Pharaoh
Monday 17th March 2014 18:21
Vis Insita
Not much to say, just that I'm glad to see another chapter up and enjoyed reading this. As far as readers being interested in an OC relationship, I'd guess it probably has to do with them being such interesting characters, and/or the fact that his relationship with Sophie/how he acts toward her adds an entire new dimension to Scott's character that we would NEVER see anywhere else.

Totally irrelevant P.S. I just now understood why you chose "Red Unit" and "Gold Unit." Haha.
Saturday 5th April 2014 20:54Vis Insita (Author Response)
Not much to say, just that I'm glad to see another chapter up and enjoyed reading this. As far as readers being interested in an OC relationship, I'd guess it probably has to do with them being such interesting characters, and/or the fact that his relationship with Sophie/how he acts toward her adds an entire new dimension to Scott's character that we would NEVER see anywhere else.

A lot of people have said they like the insight into Scott's character that Sophie provides. I don't it changes who he is as a person. I guess readers like to see him flirt with someone, for whatever reason.
Saturday 1st March 2014 03:39
Vis Insita
Through Scott you raise an issue near and dear to my heart. Jo's pureblood English wizards have an ubermenschen attitude I find repugnant. Even Molly Weasley (why I even have friends who are Muggle-born) is dismissive of Muggles.
Saturday 5th April 2014 20:49Vis Insita (Author Response)
It's an interesting dynamic, because it's predicated on a wizarding superiority that was probably once true but really hasn't been since the industrial revolution. Old society wizards don't seem to understand that the statute of secrecy is for their protection, not the Muggles.