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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Tuesday 10th June 2014 05:17
Vis Insita
I think Scott was correct in what he did in this chapter, he knew that Harry and co wouldn't leave him, he also knew that they were the priority. I just hope he can get out, but if he is captured, I am quite certain that his healing properties could come in useful, as would his ability to make apertures when time permitted.
Thank you for writing, Sue x
Wednesday 18th June 2014 02:01Vis Insita (Author Response)
I think Scott was correct in what he did in this chapter, he knew that Harry and co wouldn't leave him, he also knew that they were the priority. I just hope he can get out, but if he is captured, I am quite certain that his healing properties could come in useful, as would his ability to make apertures when time permitted.

Scott did what he thought he needed to do. Whether the others will understand is the question, especially considering the personalities involved.
Thursday 10th April 2014 11:28
Vis Insita
Plenty of action there for Scott. Always worth the wait for a new chapter, but how long will you leave him up a wet, smelly, dirty old pipe?
Saturday 26th April 2014 07:07Vis Insita (Author Response)
Oh, I imagine he'll haul himself out of there at the first opportunity. I know I would.
Tuesday 1st April 2014 23:48
Vis Insita
Great chapter, I am quite angry at Scott for getting himself into this position. I can completely understand why Harry is so pissed.
Not sure I like that you decided now was a good time for things to go sideways for Scott. Hope he is okay.
Look forward to more
Saturday 5th April 2014 20:56Vis Insita (Author Response)
Interesting that you're taking Harry's side in this case. Scott did what he thought he had to do, but maybe it wasn't what you feel is the right thing.

Not sure I like that you decided now was a good time for things to go sideways for Scott. Hope he is okay.

You wanted things to go better on the mission? I'm not sure I understand what you dislike about the timing.