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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

The Pharaoh
Monday 11th August 2014 09:10
Vis Insita
Whoops. Only meant to do one of those.
Saturday 23rd August 2014 10:28Vis Insita (Author Response)
It's more fun this way.
The Pharaoh
Monday 11th August 2014 09:09
Vis Insita
I think you did an especially good job (or at least I especially noticed it this time) of maintaining a steady balance between humor and seriousness. I really liked the philosophical/academic discussions.

To address your question: the group being in a Muggle setting was good for a change of setting and, yes, it is unique and rarely seen (and it's always fun to read from the perspective of wizards not understanding Muggle technology—like the seat belts and other car stuff, not like the snack bags), but I don't think I personally find the actual interaction with the Muggle world (like, I'm thinking of them walking through a city when you say that) to be all that interesting—beyond the novelty value, at least.

Second sentence of the Authorial Note, you put "elide," and I'm guessing you meant "elude."

Still loving the story so far. Please keep writing!
Saturday 23rd August 2014 10:28Vis Insita (Author Response)
I think you did an especially good job (or at least I especially noticed it this time) of maintaining a steady balance between humor and seriousness. I really liked the philosophical/academic discussions.

Yes, they definitely talked about weightier things than I have on most of my trips.

To address your question: the group being in a Muggle setting was good for a change of setting and, yes, it is unique and rarely seen (and it's always fun to read from the perspective of wizards not understanding Muggle technology—like the seat belts and other car stuff, not like the snack bags), but I don't think I personally find the actual interaction with the Muggle world (like, I'm thinking of them walking through a city when you say that) to be all that interesting—beyond the novelty value, at least.

Agreed. I imagine if they spent considerable time in a Muggle setting, I'd only be concerned with writing their confusion initially. Eventually, the novelty wears off.

Second sentence of the Authorial Note, you put "elide," and I'm guessing you meant "elude."

No, I meant elide, Elude wouldn't make any sense, that just means to avoid. I meant elide, as in to omit or gloss over.

Still loving the story so far. Please keep writing!

Working on it. Kind of stuck right now, but working on it.
Thursday 7th August 2014 15:47
Vis Insita
Thanks for the update. I like that you've added Neville and Luna to the action. I wouldn't mind if they stayed a little. The road trip was okay, however, it made this chapter seem like an in-between, preparatory thing. Not really much going on...
I'm not sure what Muggle things I'd like to see in the story. Ron & condoms might be funny. Or have them play on a console together.
Saturday 23rd August 2014 10:22Vis Insita (Author Response)
It is sort of an in-between chapter, which is more about character interaction than anything (there is some Kharadjai stuff woven into the conversation). Having them playing some video games could be fun, though it might be boring to read about. It'd be a good subject for a drawing, if I could draw.