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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

The Pharaoh
Sunday 28th June 2015 07:04
Vis Insita
Sorry that I haven't been keeping up with this. Your story is the only reason I come here at all anymore, and I got into Fate/Stay Night and have mostly been reading fanfiction for that, and some personal stuff happened. Anyway, I'm calling it that the last dream is for the soul fragment of Voldemort in Harry's head. I don't know why Harry's falling, but I'd guess from the Stunner hitting the dream Voldemort giving him feedback, and maybe the slowness was from the diadem interfering with Harry figuring out the secret of his personal Horcruxness. (It's not a word, but you know what I mean.)

I think having an Authorial Note in your voice at the end of a chapter gives potential reviewers a person to talk to rather than making one-sided comments on a chapter. Having just the chapter is like, "Okay, this novel is here. I've read it. That's it," just like it would be for a physical book, whereas also having the note there is like, "Oh, there's a person behind this book who's looking for feedback."
Wednesday 15th July 2015 22:27Vis Insita (Author Response)
Glad you're still reading. The reason everything was slowing down at the end was because, in desperation, the Horcrux was canceling the dreams to prevent them from discovering or interacting with Harry's Horcrux. They left it no choice, essentially.

I know that people like the interactive quality that author's notes lend to fanfiction, and I do appreciate having a platform, on occasion. It's just that I hate having to write one every chapter, especially since I often can't think of anything to say.
Tuesday 17th March 2015 10:07
Vis Insita
I normally don't review, mostly because I'm an irresponsible reader (and an awful person in general), but also because I'm late to the fanfic party and on most stories I don't have anything to say that hasn't already been said. Plus, even if I did have something unique to say, many of the stories are now pushing 10 years, so would it even matter?

But when I saw this chapter had zero reviews I couldn't leave it that way. I can only imagine what a letdown it must be to put all that effort into writing a chapter, only to receive zero reviews. You are one of the few writers still giving to this community and your efforts need to be recognized. They are like a breath of fresh air in a stale hospital waiting room. THANK YOU for writing, and continuing to write, this story. It is so frustrating to be reading and enjoying a WIP story only to find that it hasn't been updated in 6 years. This is one of the best fanfics I have read, so thank you very much for sticking with it!

So this isn't so much a review of this chapter as it is a general acknowledgement of the whole thing up to this point (including TTM). Introducing Original Characters is a brave thing to do, but you have done it successfully. Scott's character was believable from the very start and the way you wove him into the storyline was pretty amazing. The whole idea of the Kharadjai was kind of mind-blowing to me, so that was a nice surprise. Definitely didn't see that one coming, and I like how it allows you to do some more interesting things with the magical world than just "plain" old magic.

As for plotline, character development, and all that "literary" stuff...I'm just not that knowledgeable about such things. But I like what I've read, so please keep up the good work!
Friday 1st May 2015 08:14Vis Insita (Author Response)
"Plus, even if I did have something unique to say, many of the stories are now pushing 10 years, so would it even matter? "

I can't speak for other authors, but I still read and reply to reviews left on stories I first published more than ten years ago. I don't get them often, likely for the same reasons you listed, but it does happen sometimes.

"But when I saw this chapter had zero reviews I couldn't leave it that way. I can only imagine what a letdown it must be to put all that effort into writing a chapter, only to receive zero reviews. You are one of the few writers still giving to this community and your efforts need to be recognized. They are like a breath of fresh air in a stale hospital waiting room. THANK YOU for writing, and continuing to write, this story. It is so frustrating to be reading and enjoying a WIP story only to find that it hasn't been updated in 6 years. This is one of the best fanfics I have read, so thank you very much for sticking with it!"

To be fair, I didn't get zero reviews as this is crossposted on, where the majority of my readers are. The opposite used to be true, but over time the balance shifted. Like you, I was late to the party when it came to Harry Potter fanfiction, having spent the majority of the fandom's most active years puttering around with various other subjects. Still, Harry Potter is too much of a cultural phenomenon for it to dwindle off entirely. This fandom loses pieces of itself over time that could easily encompass entire other fandoms.

As for sticking with it, it's tough sometimes. My original plan for Vis Insita was that it would be an more action-oriented adaptation of the seventh book and about half, if not even less, the length of That Terrifying Momentum. Obviously, that plan didn't survive long. I've hit writer's block more times than I can count, but I haven't stopped trying to push through yet.

"So this isn't so much a review of this chapter as it is a general acknowledgement of the whole thing up to this point (including TTM). Introducing Original Characters is a brave thing to do, but you have done it successfully. Scott's character was believable from the very start and the way you wove him into the storyline was pretty amazing. The whole idea of the Kharadjai was kind of mind-blowing to me, so that was a nice surprise. Definitely didn't see that one coming, and I like how it allows you to do some more interesting things with the magical world than just "plain" old magic. "

It's probably been the most gratifying part of writing this to see people enjoy the Kharadjai and the snippets of their world I've included. I don't focus on them often since this is, after all, a Harry Potter story, but the fact that what little I do include gets such a positive response is always nice to read.