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Reviews For These Cuts I Have by Melindaleo

Friday 1st January 2016 02:14
These Cuts I Have
Great chapter! I liked the H/G alone time scene (hopefully there'll be more of those to come as they get closer) and the way that you're showing the characters beginning to open up and work through the traumas of the last year.
Tuesday 18th August 2015 18:56
These Cuts I Have
Awesome scene between Harry and Ginny.
Tuesday 7th July 2015 10:24
These Cuts I Have
This really was very well written, thanks for sharing!
Thursday 2nd July 2015 00:09
These Cuts I Have
Thursday 2nd July 2015 01:19These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Wednesday 1st July 2015 07:52
These Cuts I Have
Another great chapter! You're keeping harry so much in character, even though it hurts, it's absolutely right. i've read post battle fics that either have everyone happy within a few days or have Harry crying left and right. Even some Hogwarts years fics that have Harry crying every time i turn around. i love how you keep the characters acting like themselves. Harry hurting but trying to be tough, still blaming himself, freaked out over the horcrux. Hermione wanting to fix everyone, Ginny worried aobut Harry and reaching out, but not being a bossy nag about it. Love what you're doing with Ron too. I think you're getting Molly just right too. You know, the way she withdrew for a few days. even Percy's uncertainty about where he fits in is perfect. I loved it.
Wednesday 1st July 2015 23:25These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks, Sherry! I'm trying! I'll give fair warning that Harry does reach a breaking point...eventually. It's not for a while yet, however. I find the idea of a foreign soul living inside me really creepy, so I'm going to play with that a while. I remember how freaked out Harry was on the train ride back from St. Mungo's in OotP at the thought of being posessed, and I've just expanded from there.
Tuesday 30th June 2015 14:07
These Cuts I Have
You're doing a wonderful job showing how each of the characters is coping with their losses. I can completely understand Andromeda jumping to conclusions about Harry possibly wanting to take Teddy away from her and her relief when he only wants to get acquainted and help her a bit. I'm very glad that Harry and Ginny finally had some time to reconnect, even though Ron's herding instincts are still in overdrive. Percy seems to be his old puffed-up self when it comes to his job at the Ministry. Ron seemed disappointed that his brother didn't have to eat crow and actually lose his job. Finally, I was pleased when Molly wanted to partake of the meal Harry and Fleur created for the family and had to chuckle at how disgruntled Hermione felt when she discovered that Harry could actually cook. All in all, well done.
Wednesday 1st July 2015 01:22These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks Arnel. My favorite reviews are always the ones that tell me what got a reaction from the reader or what didn't feel right to the reader. It helps me know if I'm going in the right direction. You, are definitely one of my favorites! LOL, I always wondered why Harry didn't step up more in DH. I mean, he's cooked for years. Of course, cooking for Ron would be intimidating. I tend to think Percy is struggling a lot, but the Ministry is his safe zone, and he'd be pleased if they wanted him to stay. Trust me, there's much more to come with Percy.
Tuesday 30th June 2015 13:43
These Cuts I Have
Great chapter!
Wednesday 1st July 2015 01:17These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm hoping to post each week.