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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Thursday 20th August 2015 05:22
Vis Insita
Love the story. Thanks for not abandoning it.

It may not be quite as funny as TTM but it makes up for it with all the action and excitement.

I love all of your OCs. You've done a really great job of rounding them out.
Sunday 13th September 2015 22:05Vis Insita (Author Response)
Thank you on all counts. And I don't really mind if Vis is not as funny as TTM, which verged on being sitcom-esque at time, honestly. I just wonder if some readers do mind.

I always greatly appreciate any comments regarding the original cast. I really like it when readers enjoy them, because I think that's much more difficult to achieve as an author than having readers liking canon characters they are already predisposed to like.
Thursday 23rd July 2015 01:53
Vis Insita
I'm really looking forward now that gringotts operation! Should be a blast! :-)

I like Scott's healthy scepticism concerning the Hallows. I never really liked them, either (too fancy and mysterious, and I never got why Rowling needed them in the first place). Are you planning to include that whole Grindelwald backstory, too? Because at the moment I don't think you need the Hallows at all, unless you somehow feel obliged to include them as a reference to canon. But maybe you'll make some new, cool use of them and show me how they make sense after all!

Keep it up
Thursday 13th August 2015 21:54Vis Insita (Author Response)
I also don't particularly care for the Hallows as a plot device. They're tangentially related at best and seem to primarily function as a way for Rowling to write Harry killing Voldemort without actually killing him. It provided a remove, a distance from personal responsibility, as Voldemort essentially kills himself. Thematically interesting, maybe, but a bit of a cop out.