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Reviews For Spectators by Author by Night

Thursday 27th August 2015 05:12
I really liked Charlie's big brother time with Ron. He gave him some good advice. I just wish he'd taken it before the first task was played because Harry could have used his support. I'm surprised that Charlie let his friends guess what the first task was going to be, but then again, Hagrid was too excited about having four dragons on campus to keep his mouth shut, so the news getting out was inevitable.

Looking forward to the next chapter. I hope it appears soon and is a bit meatier than the last two chapters.
Friday 28th August 2015 00:31Spectators (Author Response)
Thanks for the review!

I think Charlie's presence just made it obvious, but you do make a good point. I'll go with what you said and chalk it up to Charlie not being much better than Hagrid about containing his excitement.
Wednesday 26th August 2015 10:11
I LOVED Charlie asking after Harry. I like when the older brothers are proved to be true Weasleys, too. I must admit, I've always wondered what Ginny and twins thought about how Ron was behaving. I hope to see more of that.

Keep up the good work!
Wednesday 26th August 2015 10:50Spectators (Author Response)