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Reviews For These Cuts I Have by Melindaleo

Sunday 3rd January 2016 11:27
These Cuts I Have
Great chapter. I love that Harry is going to renovate Grimmauld Place (that's something I secretly wanted to happen since OotP).

Thanks for taking the time to reply to my previous reviews. You are correct that the wizarding world appears to be more chaste than the muggle world. I see that being at least partly due to the way that most things in the magical world are kind of old fashioned i.e. birds carrying mail, printing presses, steam train etc. Also I recognised the quote but just thought it was used brilliantly.

I'm really enjoying this so far...
Tuesday 24th November 2015 15:06
These Cuts I Have
Great mix of drama and humour!
Wednesday 9th September 2015 01:36
These Cuts I Have
Ouch - tough chapter for Hermione. Poor girl. Very realistic writing on the section where she goes to see her parents again. Parents definitely want to protect their kids from danger. That's a nice twist, too, them wanting to remain in Australia. I don't think I've come across that plot twist in anyone else's fanfic. I also like how you've got the quartet acting and interacting amongst themselves. The separation anxiety issues and survivor's guilt issues are some of the things one would expect coming out of as much danger as they have. Kudos!
Monday 7th September 2015 02:29
These Cuts I Have
That's a very believable end to the Hermione story arc. Well done!
Tuesday 8th September 2015 10:11These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 14:04
These Cuts I Have
Melinda, I really like the way you are headed with this story. I love to have the blanks filled in. Thanks for taking the time to write it!
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 23:53These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying it. I like attempting to fill in some blanks, and I'm pleased it's connecting with people.
Tuesday 1st September 2015 22:41
These Cuts I Have
Afer so many years I rememberd and came to the website! I love that there are still people out there, who think and write about Harry Potter!
I really like your story! Please, keep continuing it!
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 23:52These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
So glad you came back. There are a lot of us out there who can't let go. I left the fandom for a long time, but after Ginny's article on the World Cup appeared, it drew me back in, and I dusted off this project. I'm really glad I did!
Tuesday 1st September 2015 22:08
These Cuts I Have
i'm sad for Hermione but kinda not surprised by the Grangers decision. They've made a life there, so it makes sense they want to stay. I enjoyed Harry and Kingsley,a nd Rona nd Hermione in Australia. Love how mature Ron has become. And it was so good to see the Trio back together. I like how you have Ginny handling things. too many fics make her pushy and bossy and naggy, and I never saw that in canon. Hermione is the one can be all those things when the need arises. lol. i'm eager to see some of them move into Grimauld place and start living life on their own. I think it's a necessary part of adulthood for them, and I know Harry will feel better. I mean, not like he's bring danger on everyone by his mere presence, that kind of better.
Wednesday 2nd September 2015 23:51These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I like when they're all back together, too. Ron has grown up a lot - but that won't mean he's perfect, either. No one is, and they're all finding themselves in the "normal," non-war world. They will eventually move out on their own, but I don't think they're quite ready yet. They need to get their legs steady before they walk. I'm glad you're enjoying.