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Reviews For Ancestors by Arnel

Tuesday 20th October 2015 00:07
Harry not being able to sleep because he can't hear Hermione's breathing, is so sweet, and true to form for caring!Harry. He's got interesting thoughts about how to make it plausible that he appears, and I quite like this thoughtful, planning side of him. No rushing into stuff without thinking it through. At least part way. And as the time turner can bring him back as well, he just has to make sure that he can get back to finish off Voldemort.

Tuesday 20th October 2015 16:11Ancestors (Author Response)
All his life, Harry has been around noisy sleepers. Dudley snores all the time as do Ron and Neville when Harry's at Hogwarts. I'd think the absence of such nocturnal noises would be disconcerting to Harry who is used to them, even something a quiet as someone breathing normally. To me, Harry lying awake because he can't hear Hermione was more of a personal anxiety issue than anything else, until he decided to tell her about it. That's when the caring part of his personality shows through.

In all my stories, I like to show our favorite characters maturing and growing and learning from their past mistakes. I think Harry learned that not planning for different scenarios once he went back in time would be rather stupid, as he and his friends learned from the foray into the Ministry. Therefore, his test of the Time-Turner was essential to his returning to fulfil the prophecy.

Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me.
Thursday 1st October 2015 01:37
This is off to an interesting start. I like it. I also like the point where you've inserted it into the canon in a very believable way. I'm looking forward to the next installment!
Thursday 1st October 2015 02:07Ancestors (Author Response)
I'm so glad you like the story. Since Harry seems to have a need to know about all those people he saw in the Mirror of Erised, going back in time to meet them seemed the proper thing for him to do with the Time-Turner. I will be posting another chapter next Monday and hope you'll share your thoughts with me about it.