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Reviews For These Cuts I Have by Melindaleo

Wednesday 25th November 2015 11:25
These Cuts I Have
Oh, that is so perfect: giving Teddy Sirius\' old room. And —OMGess, OMGess, OMGess!!!


Also, please turn off the "Lame Review" filter. I cannot properly express myself wothout adding multiple o's in "so" and y's in "cliffy." I realize now that some of my reviews didn't go through because of this.
Tuesday 6th October 2015 00:06
These Cuts I Have
I've never really concentrated on aftermath stories and this fanfiction has left me wondering why! Its been such a wonderful story so far, with a lot of conflicting emotions! I sat and read all of this is a couple of days and now I am left desperate for another chapter. I'm looking forward to reading more. Happy writing!
Tuesday 6th October 2015 02:31These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks very much! Personally, I love the aftermath, but as you can tell, I tend to focus on the emotional side of things. The next chapter should be posted later tonight.
Wednesday 30th September 2015 13:34
These Cuts I Have
You and your fondness for cliffies! GRR! Can\'t leave a perfectly good feel-good chapter alone, can you? I really wanted to know more about Harry\'s plans for Teddy\'s room and what he might want to do with the sitting room. I\'m glad Bill knows the wall-building spell that will permanently silence Mrs. Black\'s portrait. (Good riddance to bad rubbish.) I was also hoping to learn whether or not Mrs. Weasley trusted Hermione enough to let Ginny go out to Muggle London with her. Such l things like going out to lunch with a girlfriend would go a long way toward bringing life back to normal after the years of upheaval. I\'m hoping we get answers to these plans soon. Harry needs to feel safe in his own house and getting hexed by some curtains isn\'t going to make him feel safe. All in all, a very satisfying chapter until the end that deserves .
Saturday 3rd October 2015 23:57These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
I first read this review when I was lying in bed getting ready to sleep, and I think I went to sleep with a huge grin plastered on my face, so thanks very much for that! You'll find out more about lunch in Muggle London and those pesky drapes in the next chapter. I'm eager to see what people think, because I think the resulting drama might be a bit...unexpected, lol.
Author by Night
Wednesday 30th September 2015 02:00
These Cuts I Have
Wow, quite the cliffhanger.

I liked reading Arthur and Kingsley's reactions to Harry's story. Truth be told, it hadn't occurred to me that he might ever tell anyone (except the trio and Ginny) - but it made sense, and their reactions were very plausible. Good work!
Saturday 3rd October 2015 23:54These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! I enjoyed writing that scene, and I thought it important for Harry's mental health to get it out.
Wednesday 30th September 2015 00:46
These Cuts I Have
I know I'm in the minority, but I love cliffhangers!!
Saturday 3rd October 2015 23:53These Cuts I Have (Author Response)
Thanks! Psst! I love them, too!