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Reviews For Ancestors by Arnel

Wednesday 21st October 2015 05:39
Very nicely done story! I really enjoyed reading it. It's a shame it had to end so soon...
please add my name to this list too, although I enjoyed the short story for it was refreshing, I would love a sequel, too.
Wednesday 21st October 2015 07:05Ancestors (Author Response)
I certainly will add your name to the list. I need to start reviewing and expanding my outline for the sequel now that interest in an expanded story has been rekindled.
Wednesday 21st October 2015 05:38
Such a delightful little story! It was such a relaxing read and i've really enjoyed it. Sometimes I only read completed stories with lots of chapters, but this proves to me that works in progress and shorter stories can be thoroughly enjoyable. Absolutely loved it! Thanks to you and Aggiebell for your hard work.
Wednesday 21st October 2015 07:03Ancestors (Author Response)
I'm so glad my story showed you that shorter works are just as good a read as longer works. Thanks for reading. I'm glad you enjoyed my story.
Tuesday 20th October 2015 08:11
Very nicely done story! I really enjoyed reading it. It's a shame it had to end so soon...
Tuesday 20th October 2015 15:29Ancestors (Author Response)
The problem with writing stories for contests is that often there is a word limit that must be obeyed. I have added your name to a list of readers who wished the story was longer. As a result, I have the beginnings of a sequel mapped out because Harry really did change some things by returning an entire day late. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts with me.