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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Tuesday 5th December 2017 12:10
Vis Insita
I read the last chapters when they were published but didn’t leave a review. So when I saw that there were two new chapters, I decided to start again with the last chapter I’d left a review for and work my way forward. So here we go...
I really liked this bank robbery operation. It has lots of suspense and is just so different than Rowling’s version. Switching POV’s is also great. I remember how it works out, but it’s still a good read the second time.
About Sophie: I like having another female character around, and she’s a good addition to the team.
Tuesday 5th December 2017 12:44Vis Insita (Author Response)
There was a lot to juggle for the bank robbery, so it was a writing challenge. Nothing compared to what I'm trying to write now, though! Such is the nature of the climax.