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Reviews For Vis Insita by Caleb Nova

Tuesday 5th December 2017 12:13
Vis Insita
Close call for Scott!
I like that they seem to have a capable opponent now who understands Muggle tactics and training. It would have been too easy otherwise!
Tuesday 5th December 2017 12:45Vis Insita (Author Response)
Yes, Scott's Muggle-trained enemy. We'll see more of them later.
Saturday 30th April 2016 09:01
Vis Insita
Out of breath reading that. An intelligent death eater sounds like an interesting opponent.
Monday 18th July 2016 10:33Vis Insita (Author Response)
How intelligent he is remains to be seen, but he's at least self-aware, which is more than we can say for pretty much any other Death Eater we know.
Saturday 30th April 2016 03:35
Vis Insita
Damn! Great written action and thanks for the video suggestions.
Monday 18th July 2016 10:33Vis Insita (Author Response)
Thanks, and no problem. Sometimes it's nice to have some sounds to put with the words.