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Reviews For Some Cuts Leave Scars by Melindaleo

Wednesday 1st August 2018 00:21
Some Cuts Leave Scars
Friday 13th April 2018 18:23
Some Cuts Leave Scars
One of the things I like about your stories is that the characters grow. You made me smile twice in this chapter. The first came when Ginny realizes that she didn't need to prove anything to Draco or any other Slytherin and that she could take care of herself when necessary... a very empowering feeling, I think. I smile, too, when Harry is determined to help Theo and the others who are being attacked just because of their ties to the Death Eaters. I'm not sure that a year ago he would have accepted that idea, even with his sense of justice.

The one character I felt sorry for was Amos Diggory. It seems that he had all his hopes pinned on Cedric and when he was killed it took the wind out of Amos' sails. It makes me wonder if he's just barely hanging onto his job.

Nicely done.
Tuesday 17th April 2018 09:53Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks, Arnel! I think the hardest part of writing a post-Hogwarts story is keeping the characters true to themselves, but also letting them mature as they would naturally. I still prefer reading post-OotP stories best, but I've enjoyed writing this one.
Friday 13th April 2018 06:43
Some Cuts Leave Scars
This week I've been doing a re-re-read of this story and its prequel, as I continue to love all you write for this 'verse. I'm dreadfully impatient, too, lol, in spite of your regular frequency in updating each week, can you tell?

This chapter reminds me of everything I disliked about Amos in GoF and Cursed Child. I've always wanted to smack Amos Diggory with a taste of his own medicine, such as a series of articles by Rita Skeeter about Diggory's dangerous dark leanings in wanting to spend so much time studying the Dementors, and his advocacy on their behalf. I'm petty enough to admit to wishing for a touch of schadenfreude here.

I'm a bit nervous, BTW, by Rita's lack of gossip updates, as noted in this chapter. In Rita's case, any silences are more likely to mean she's up to no good, rather than being an indication that she got trampled by New Year's Eve revellers. (Alas!)
Tuesday 17th April 2018 09:51Some Cuts Leave Scars (Author Response)
Thanks very much, and I'm glad you're enjoying it. Despite the wonderful movie portrayal, canon Amos always rubbed me the wrong way, and I thought I'd like to play with what he became in Cursed Child, so... this is where it went.