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Reviews For The New Professor by Musings

Friday 8th December 2006 08:46
The New Professor
I'm glad Sammie's family has so many friends , but it makes me sad for Harry who has spent so many years alone in his grief with no support. Some best friend Ron is who blows up at Harry's leaving instead of prodding and coaxing until he finds out why .
'looking like a Hildieburg' -- that's Hindenburg, Ron
'Someone like that was certain to turn heads, and apparently Ginny was no exception' -- sounds like Chris is rather shallow; at least he thinks Ginny is.
Oh why did you have to go and create sympathy for Chris? I know he's not a bad bloke, but he's not the one for Ginny. I want to only dislike him . Well the scene in the bar removed a bit of the sympathy. Is that what's coming -- he's going to be manipulated by Flint and so become a tool for Malfoy
Okay, so maybe Weasleys weren't so bad -- they had their problems, too. I'm beginning to think you're evil, putting the characters (and readers) through all this
Lovely chapter!
Monday 17th July 2006 20:35
The New Professor
Well, that little reunion lifted both of their spirts it looks like. And Christpher had to be dumped. That is just the way things like that work. And Flint! Jeezz.