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Reviews For The Hiding Place by Ancarett

Monday 25th June 2007 12:32
The Hiding Place
that would be the only place the weasley males would never dare to look. Maybe Harry will in time to come.
Tuesday 6th December 2005 18:59
The Hiding Place

That was fun. Thanks

XXXmister-E werepony unit
Friday 14th October 2005 13:46
The Hiding Place
hahaha!that was funny

Sunday 24th April 2005 14:59
The Hiding Place

*Sigh* isn't it just wonderful when mothers propagate sexist standards onto thier daugthers...  I feel for Ginny, I really do.  Being the only in a house filled with boys certainly doesn't help...  On that note, Mrs. Weasley sounded like she was giving orders to a servant rather than chores to a daughter.  Hate when parents do that... As for Ginny's hiding place:  Hehe... poor Harry... though I do agree with Ginny.  That is the best place to hide something from a house full of boys.  Well, that and in your knickers ...


Friday 21st January 2005 23:45
The Hiding Place

I have only two words for you; BLOODY BRILLIANT!


Tuesday 28th December 2004 17:25
The Hiding Place

Oh my!  Cute, cute, cute!! I really enjoyed this -- the embarr+blocked+ment, the fact that the boys needed "manly time", the fact that Harry surprised Ginny, and she took him down.

Wonderful Harry and Ginny goodnes.