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Reviews For The Harry/Ginny Chronicles by Basil M

Saturday 11th August 2007 10:42
The Harry/Ginny Chronicles
Really enjoyed the part where Ginny is loathing the scene in madam paddifoots. and of course when there are discoverd snogging in front of there exes.
Wednesday 19th July 2006 02:21
The Harry/Ginny Chronicles
Yay! Harry and Ginny snogging is excellent as it is. Add the evil exes jealously watching from afar makes it about a billion times more entertaining.

And I loved Ginny's description of Puddifoots....teddy bear threw up? Honestly! *hoots with laughter*
Tuesday 6th December 2005 07:10
The Harry/Ginny Chronicles
It does sound like a lot of fun. Especially the pronounced difference in taste at Puddifoot's.