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Reviews For Rainy Tears by Bekken

Saturday 11th August 2007 11:57
Rainy Tears
this is dark, all but one of the weasleys dead only the girls remain.
Monday 4th September 2006 16:51
Rainy Tears
Can't stop the tears. Wonderful job.^^
Monday 4th September 2006 16:33
Rainy Tears
Can't stop the tears. Wonderful job.^^
Saturday 23rd April 2005 17:50
Rainy Tears
omg! thats sooooo sad!!!!! i'm almost in tears here! extremely sad and moving. wow. u told the story of a whole war including the outcome. i always thought that harry wouldnt be able to stand ginny dying but ginny would eventally be able to move on with her family's help. but in this story, i dont know how she would be able to move on. sooo sad.