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Reviews For Letters From Home by Caitlyn

Marvolo Riddle
Monday 9th October 2006 15:03
Letters From Home
Hm.. couldn't help but notice the date on which this story was last updated. i should just assume its been abandoned, no?
Thursday 6th July 2006 21:54
Letters From Home
Oh, it is very good so far. It would be really wierd if Chloe was sorted into Slytherin!
Thursday 3rd November 2005 16:44
Letters From Home
Nicely written - the dialogue with James in the cupboard, particularly when Ginny turns up, was funny. Although surely she wouldn't have thought that Harry would shut Chloe up in the closet for anything other than a joke - surely she would have played along...
Your description of Monster (" The vicious kitten mewed, and then fell right on her face...", "she didn't look quite capable of shredding tulips yet") is also nice and fluffily funny.  And the idea of Ginny bossing Harry around is very plausible, since Molly generally bossed Arthur around.