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Reviews For Carpe Diem by Imogen

Sunday 27th January 2008 10:58
Carpe Diem
interesting.... i hope that ginny will be able to throw off the curse...
congrats to harry!
Tuesday 5th December 2006 20:18
Carpe Diem
Can't wait to see what happens.
Tuesday 5th September 2006 15:31
Carpe Diem
Now Wood was Captain during his NEWT year, so I think one of the others would actually be more likely to be captain . Nice little joke by Hermione .
Monday 27th March 2006 06:42
Carpe Diem
Cute about the Harry Potter fan club, I'm personally hoping for another side effect...
I sincerely hope this works for Ginny...I get very concerned about my fictional favorites...