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Reviews For Heal The Pain by Aibhinn

Tuesday 12th October 2010 14:51
Heal The Pain
Wow! Quite the beginning to a story. I'm a little afraid of reading this--obviously there's something between Harry and Ginny that we don't know yet. I'm sure we'll learn more of their happy times as the chapters progress, but we'll also learn more of their pain, and why they're not together still, and that worries me. Angst? Of course. Moments of true happiness? I'm afraid they'll all be memories rather than current happenings, until we get to the end.

So, I'll give it a try, but it might take me awhile to get through the angst .

Sunday 21st December 2008 16:09
Heal The Pain
wahh!how could you kill Hagrid?otherwise,awesome!
Thursday 15th May 2008 03:39
Heal The Pain
Hi there,

I don't even know if you are monitoring reviews for this story, but I'm writing one anyway. I really like this start and I hope I can continue to read it. By that, I mean that now having read all seven books which, of course, you did not, I find it hard to get past the little things that are different fron Ginny's birthday (though I know making her birthday on Halloween was necessary for the plot) and the fact that Harry is already of age when he leaves school. (I suppose you had to make it that he could use magic so that he could threaten the Dursleys).

I know it's stupid because the whole story is AU, but i find that those little things annoy me. I hope there are not too many more. Oh, I know there are major things, but it annoys me when little things are cvhanged and there is really no need for them to be changed.

Sorry for the rant. Briefly, I want to read this because I love Harry/Ginny and I want to see how their relationship proresses. I love the dream sequence with Sirius. He sounded much more responsible in the dream than he usually did when he was alive.

Till the next chapter...Lesley.
Thursday 21st December 2006 15:17
Heal The Pain
i read the second chapter first for some reason and couldn't stop reading but ran out of time to read anymore.
although i just wanted to carry on reading to find out what happens next i just couldn't so now i want to read the book if thats at all possible?
Can anybody tell wher i can get it from Please?
Thursday 21st December 2006 19:37Heal The Pain (Author Response)
Hi there--

This isn't published anywhere but here. Since it's Harry Potter, and all copyrighted by JKR, I can't legally make any money from it. This site is the only place where you can read it. But I'm very pleased and flattered that you're enjoying the fic so much!

Thursday 21st December 2006 15:13
Heal The Pain
i think it's great is there any way that i can buy the full book and if so where from?
Monday 20th November 2006 12:21
Heal The Pain
Was this written before OoTP? You're quite prescient, getting the deaths of Sirius and Dumbledore before canon, though differently. Is that why this is AU?
'You were born the day that—that—' . . . 'Your mum and dad were killed,' - nice touch, too bad it isn't true in canon .
Nice scene in the kitchen; Dursleys need some payback; I hope something like this happens in canon (though probably not -- after all, Umbridge seems to have gotten off scot free ). Nice that Ron helped Harry get it under control .
I like how dream Sirius (or is that a vision?) sets Harry straight and is there to comfort him .
Sunday 19th November 2006 02:51
Heal The Pain
Wow... I haven't had so many emotions come to me from one chapter of any story. You set this up so well, you make us feel for Harry and even fear for the Dursleys. Well done, my dear!
Sunday 2nd July 2006 04:44
Heal The Pain
Aww, I like this first chapter, very informative and also very touching with the Sirius and Harry thing.. especially when Sirius says:

"But no parent thinks clearly when their child is threatened, not even a godparent."

Anyways.. I have to get onto the next chapter so I'll leave this review here.. I like the story so far, it makes you want to read on..
Monday 16th January 2006 11:28
Heal The Pain
This story is shaping up to be something great. Your characters are all very real, despite being fictional. Way to go!
Tuesday 8th March 2005 20:35
Heal The Pain
Hey there! Decided it was time to finish reading your story. :) I love the part with Harry and the Dursleys; it's seriously one of my favorite parts in fanfic. It's very well written and you really feel Harry's anger and his regret. Great job!  On to the next chapter... (needed to reread everything, heh).
Saturday 15th January 2005 19:00
Heal The Pain

Wow, this is really well-written. I think the imagery is very good and clearly conveys the emotion and intensity of the situation. I may have already reviewed before, but I wasn't sure so I wanted to leave another, in case.

Sometimes when I read angst it is just so dark and depressing as if there is no light at the end of the tunnel...this conveys a seriousness and drama but lightens it up here and there.

Saturday 5th June 2004 18:35
Heal The Pain
This chapter is emotionally challenging. The way you had Harry deal with his anger and grief is beautiful. Thank You for a well written chapter.