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Reviews For Nil Desperandum by Imogen

Thursday 7th December 2006 20:27
Nil Desperandum
Wow. Slytherin. Hope this works out alright. And how very sad at the same time.
Tuesday 27th June 2006 10:14
Nil Desperandum
Hope Potter in Slytherin . . . what a dastardly plot line. I don't now whether to laugh or cry I'm not sure I'm going to enjoy reading this like I did Carpe Diem and Alpha and Omega. Good writing though!
Thursday 6th April 2006 19:34
Nil Desperandum
Oh. My. God. Poor Hope! She must be feeling DREADFUL. Oh dear oh my oh gosh.
I really wonder what RON is going to say. The others will be shocked but it's RON I'm worried about. Harry will understand. One, he's been through a similar situation with his sorting. Two, she's his daughter. But Ron's always been so Anti-Slytherin...
Ok, blabbering. Sorry. What a shocker though. Great job! And the Sorting Hat's song was great!