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Reviews For Nil Desperandum by Imogen

Thursday 31st January 2008 09:35
Nil Desperandum
wow.... this is wierd.... hope having all these memories... almost like voldemorts memories were transfered over to her somehow....
interesting chpater
Wednesday 13th December 2006 19:55
Nil Desperandum
It was Tom Riddle wasn't it? And a very good chapter. Yay. Her first friend she made at Hogwarts.
Tuesday 27th June 2006 12:00
Nil Desperandum
So, the plot thickens. It seems as if Voldie wasn't destroyed, but is preserved within Hope. Interesting . . .
Friday 7th April 2006 14:50
Nil Desperandum
Ooh, boy. Hope's having Harry-like peeks into young Voldemort's MIND. That's weird. And creepy. And explains a lot.
