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Reviews For The Vaults of South Bridge by Archimedes

Tuesday 1st November 2005 09:13
The Vaults of South Bridge

I just discovered this story and have never been more intrigued. I am saddened that it has not been updated since last May. I was so drawn into the way you have written this in a storytellers style: It is like the old man was talking to me and it was my wallet getting emptier and emptier as he went on! What a wonderful story about James and how the storyteller told the tale of finding him. Do you have this posted on another website? It's too bad that this was not reviewed more. It is important to review. I believe this is one story that should be read. I think you'd do it justice to finish it. You are an incredible writer. Thank you for posting what you have written.


Lady Padfoot
Wednesday 20th July 2005 13:56
The Vaults of South Bridge

Only 3 reviews?  I'll have to fix that.  Wonderful story, and it really draws you in.  Can't wait to hear more of what James tells Moony.  Keep up the great work!

Tuesday 19th July 2005 18:10
The Vaults of South Bridge
I found your fic on the Story of the Week collection and I must say that it is very much worthy of such a nomination!!

Like your nominator said I would be, I was drawn into your story within the first few paragrahs; and read the first four chapters as quickly as I could - I couldn't stop!!

I'm really looking forward to finding out what all James told Moony, what the whole story is and how it affects Harry!