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Reviews For If The Fates Allow by AgiVega

Saturday 11th October 2008 03:01
If The Fates Allow
This is a very interesting AU. Quite curious to see where it ends up.
Tuesday 22nd July 2008 01:23
If The Fates Allow
hehe... i wonder whats gonna happen next!
Tuesday 22nd July 2008 01:20
If The Fates Allow
hehe... i wonder whats gonna happen next!
Wednesday 26th September 2007 02:51
If The Fates Allow
Wow! Well now Harry knows why Ginny married Malfoy. He also knows why she can't just leave. Between them I hope they can resolve these problems and work out their differences. It looks good so far but time will tell. That was quite a good way to frustrate all their friends and Ginny's brothers and "Harry's wife"! Quite a bombshell, that one. Thanks for writing. I look forward to more of this story. p
XXXmister-E werepony unit
Sunday 11th December 2005 18:30
If The Fates Allow
oh,that was so funny,haveing phaedra drop in like that! im still laughing!
Wednesday 20th October 2004 23:13
If The Fates Allow
Just started reading this.  Wasn't sure about the story after reading the premise.  Going through it pretty fast right since the story is complete.

Story is definitely out there ... big big suspension of disbelief ...