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Reviews For Another Diaper, My Dear? by Calixa

Sunday 21st August 2011 17:58
Another Diaper, My Dear?
WOW!!! Now that's funny!
Saturday 22nd August 2009 01:05
Another Diaper, My Dear?
This is without a doubt THE funniest fix that I have ever read!
I had tears in my eyes by the time I finished reading this!

P.S. Poor Ron, what with babies and their good aims X-D
Thursday 21st August 2008 15:41
Another Diaper, My Dear?
haha so harry and ginny didnt remember getting turned into babies??
Monday 7th January 2008 16:36
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Now that was funny! Thanks.
Sunday 14th October 2007 15:28
Another Diaper, My Dear?
this is probably the funniest fanfic ive ever read. good job with coming up with a funny mess for them to clean up. good job!
Wednesday 15th August 2007 07:34
Another Diaper, My Dear?
OH my goodness... that was great!!!!

Thank you for brightening my morning ;-)
Saturday 8th July 2006 21:31
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Awww. I bet Harry got "that" idea. Haha. Maybe Pomfrey could give Harry hair growth potion, then cut it so it is even. But we shall never know 'cause this is the end. And it was very good. I read a lot of your stories and they are really good. Keep it up.
Thursday 18th May 2006 11:22
Another Diaper, My Dear?

I'm so glad I stumbled upon this.
It was truly hilarious... I absolutely loved it!
Tuesday 15th November 2005 18:30
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Hilarious! Truely! Brilliant job!!
Saturday 2nd July 2005 07:44
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Guess I was only 1 of 2 who noticed the abrupt ending, but must apologize for not finishing my review properly. This was the best humor I have read,ever!! I could hardly read for the laughter and tearfilled eyes. You have a terrific insight into youngsters, and Rons remark about "My babies" was priceless. They were really growing on him. A really great fic nonetheless.
Saturday 2nd July 2005 07:38
Another Diaper, My Dear?
This whole, up to the ending was hilarious, "But" the last part spoiled it all. It was too abrupt. It explained nothing that transpired after Dumbledore took out his wand, and Harry came to Ron. It really [#4chapter] needed to end at the wand bit,and then a chap 5 to wrap up all the rest. It was like a giant cliff hanger. Sorry,but this is only my opinion,and you will no doubt not agree with mebut as a reader I expected closure. 
robbie cupcake-girl
Thursday 23rd June 2005 23:30
Another Diaper, My Dear?

I hurt now.

My sides hurt! Tears were rolling down my face. Bloody hilarious story.


Wednesday 18th May 2005 14:06
Another Diaper, My Dear?

That was really Funny.  Where did you come up with that idea, well it was BRILLIANT.  I loved the part about the broom closet, but I can't picture Filch dressed like that.  Very good all together, wish there was more though, I'll; just go read some more of your stories.

Great job, keep writing, and Plez write back


Thursday 7th October 2004 21:52
Another Diaper, My Dear?

I have not laughed this hard in a LONG tim! This was a bloody brilliant story!! I LOVED it!! I honestly did!!! God, words cannot describe how good this was!


Antonia East
Wednesday 7th July 2004 18:04
Another Diaper, My Dear?
briliant. A really fun story, I loved reading this, and it had me in fits of giggles every chapter!
Wednesday 7th July 2004 00:40
Another Diaper, My Dear?
This was the funniest story i've read in a long time. Poor Ron. Poor Hermione! The argument over who would change Harry had me in stitches. And poor Neville. Well, at least he got in a good shot at Ron

Will we get an epilogue, where Harry finally discovers his bald spot, and Ron finally pays?
Tuesday 6th July 2004 06:54
Another Diaper, My Dear?
As a child Ginny had a habit of hiding things she liked in strange places.

You know, for me, this is as good as SockStealing!Ginny - I might have to borrow this at some stage, but the image of hiding Ginny is a very good one.

Very enjoyable fic overall _ think the charecterisations were a little off for some of the Hogwarts staff, but that did add to the humorous effect of the story.

Good work.

Tuesday 6th July 2004 06:54Another Diaper, My Dear? (Author Response)
Heh! Feel free to it - I think most children have a quirk or two that makes them so undeniably ...children. Glad you liked it, I'm a big fan of "This Means War!" myself
Tuesday 6th July 2004 03:08
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Simply marvelous, Calixa -- a roller coaster ride from start to finish!!
Tuesday 6th July 2004 00:48
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Oh dear! That was priceless. This had me in stitches. LOL Brilliant.
Tuesday 6th July 2004 00:22
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Quick ending, but fun story nevertheless
Monday 5th July 2004 16:32
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Cali, Cali, Cali. You are too funny, and this story is absolutely hysterical. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard.

As a child Ginny had a habit of hiding things she liked in strange places.

Heh. She knows she likes him, even as a one-year-old. How sweet is that?

I love that you included Neville in this last chapter--and that he stunned Ron.

And this:
"Oh yeah?" countered Ron, smacking the table furiously with his fist, "Well, he ++blocked++ed in my face!"

Everyone in the room turned and stared at him.

"When I changed his diaper," Ron explained hastily. "Babies have really good aim."

There came a sympathetic chorus of 'Ahhhh's (and a few 'Urghs', incidentally, but that's beside the point).

They do have quite the aim, don't they?

This is going on my list of favorites, for whenever I need a pick-me-up.


Monday 5th July 2004 16:32Another Diaper, My Dear? (Author Response)
Anything for you, TIP mummy! Neville is one of my favourite characters, I slip him into anything I can
Lady Chi
Monday 5th July 2004 16:24
Another Diaper, My Dear?
Perfect. Absolutely perfect! It was the best laugh I've had all day. Bravo! Bravo!