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Reviews For The Art of Healing by jadzialove

Thursday 1st January 2009 20:27
The Art of Healing
Your description of Harry and Ginny's instant messaging like correspondence was brilliant. I could feel their raging hormones and the thrill they were both feeling in composing and receiving their notes.
Wednesday 28th June 2006 21:40
The Art of Healing
I loved that chapter. And I read those stories, and yes they are good. I knew I reconized the apperation from somewhere. And I loved the writings between Harry and Ginny.
Saturday 4th February 2006 16:48
The Art of Healing
totally loving this fic
Saturday 21st May 2005 08:39
The Art of Healing

I loved this chapter.  So much groundwork has been laid for so much fulfillment.  Well done.

Friday 6th May 2005 01:09
The Art of Healing

I'm hooked. Excellent job! Your style is so easy and it just flows so beautifully. Keep it up.


Saturday 7th May 2005 07:28The Art of Healing (Author Response)
Thanks J!  That's a lovely thing to read and I appreciate you letting me know what you thought of the story.
Sunday 1st May 2005 18:19
The Art of Healing
good keep up the good work.
Monday 2nd May 2005 09:53The Art of Healing (Author Response)
Sunday 1st May 2005 18:18
The Art of Healing
good keep up the good work.
Monday 2nd May 2005 09:53The Art of Healing (Author Response)
Thanks!  I sure will try.
Muggle Witch
Saturday 30th April 2005 15:41
The Art of Healing
Well done! Update soon!
Monday 2nd May 2005 06:58The Art of Healing (Author Response)
Thank you!  Will do!
Friday 29th April 2005 23:59
The Art of Healing
On a fluffy note, I love the idea of Harry & Ginny "furiously owling" back & forth with one another.  That was cute.  And on a serious note, I like the fact that you had Remus think about his newfound position as Harry's mentor.  Most stories that I have read have him just accept his new status as Harry's godfather quite well.  But the way you've written it is how I would envision Remus to think & feel about the situation.  I believe that he would step in & do right by Harry, but I also believe that he would have serious doubts about it first.  Maybe I only agree with you because I share your opinion, but I still like it! :)  I can't wait to find out what happens next.  Update soon please!
Monday 2nd May 2005 06:55The Art of Healing (Author Response)

Hi Lulabelle.  The furiously owling came about because I wanted them to be able to communicate better than an occasional owl.  I though of all the great IM conversations I've had and realized that was perfect.  Luckily St. Margarets was kind enough to let me borrow Apparating Hedwig.

I'm glad you also agree about Remus.  My thoughts were- where did he disappear to after PoA?  And why?  Harry knew who he was at that point.  So this is my theory about that.  I think part of Remus' appeal to everyone is that he is a tortured soul and generally, a kind person.  So I wanted to give him something too.

Thanks for reading and for leaving such a thoughtful review!

Friday 29th April 2005 23:44
The Art of Healing
You know, theories, speculations and a whole lot of wishful thinking it may be, but it's wonderful well thought through and constructed. Your thinking behind Petunia's feelings regarding Harry is extremely insightful, and I love the believable progression you've developed in the relationship between Harry and Ginny, as well as Harry and Lupin.

I fear that JKR won't allow Harry so direct a path to what he needs, but we can all hope, can't we?
Monday 2nd May 2005 06:48The Art of Healing (Author Response)

I think you're right about JKR, which is why I felt the need to give this to Harry myself.  Thank you for the nice things you said about the story so far.  I appreciate it. 

Friday 29th April 2005 13:57
The Art of Healing

A second ace to add to this collection! I liked the confrontation as well, and I loved Remus' thoughts at the end about helping Harry. The teasing-Harry was nice, too.

I agree with SiblingCreature, that was a very IM conversation you had going there!

I've read the wallpaper series, but not Red is the Heart. Thanks for puting me onto it.


Friday 29th April 2005 15:08The Art of Healing (Author Response)
Thank you Sarah.  Yes, the resemblence of 'furiously owling' to IM is no conincidence.  I'm glad you liked it. 
Friday 29th April 2005 13:19
The Art of Healing

Whoa!  I LOVED the confrontation with Petunia.  I'm so glad Remus saw that.  Saw it, and is actually doing something about it.  I, like Harry, felt a moment of bitter glee that someone else saw what it was like. Harry's older and been somewhat hardened to it now, but can you imagine what it must have been like as a little boy not knowing there was anyone else who would defend him?

I love H/G furiously owling, lol.  That was wonderful.  Ginny is just what he needs, and I liked Remus teasing him over it.  I'm glad to see that Harry is still struggling with his depression, and it wasn't an instant fix. Good on you.

Friday 29th April 2005 15:49The Art of Healing (Author Response)

I am thrilled that you loved it Melindaleo!  I have to admit, my love for Harry is so great that I was momentarily tempted to soften her for him, to have her recognize him as a human with needs, when I first wrote that passage.  Then  I realized that she didn't deserve that after the way she'd treated him.  It does break my heart to think of little Harry, who probably would have been much better off without having Dudley to compare his poor lot to. 

Harry is still far from over it all.  In the next chapter Harry's hormones come into play,  and we also have another unwelcome emotional outburst from him.

Thank you for reading my story and for taking the time to tell me what you think of it.

Friday 29th April 2005 13:05
The Art of Healing
*smiles*  this is wonderful. :-)   I love the 'instant message'  owl conversation with Ginny...  I look forward to seeing how their relationship develops. 

*makes mental note to re-read both the wallpaper series and RitH*   I love St Margarets' work too. :-)
Friday 29th April 2005 15:32The Art of Healing (Author Response)

I'm glad you're enjoying this.  Thank you for leaving a reveiw. 

St. Margarets is wonderful isn't she?  She was very gracious to let me use Apparating Hedwig so I feel inclined to promote her new story "Lee Jordan: Tour Guide"  It's a fantastic WIP and if you haven't read it yet, I highly recommend it.