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Reviews For In Memoriam by Faelaern

Sunday 30th July 2006 10:04
In Memoriam
Stupid Fudge. And I like the comments HArry and Ginny made back and forth to each other about hte shower thing. Just the thing everyone needs; humor.
Tuesday 18th January 2005 13:46
In Memoriam

I enjoyed this chapter a great deal.  You do an excellent job capturing a realistic feel in your descriptions.  I love how you describe Harry's dreams, the pleasant facts from memories combining with wishful thinking.  I especially liked the line “….somewhere in a forest clearing, with himself and his godfather on the front porch, laughing hysterically at some unknown joke.”  This is so much how I picture Sirius, finally happy and free.  Bittersweet that he will never know that life, for both Sirius and Harry. 

Nice job showing Harry’s emotions still unsettled as well.  He’s done a great deal of healing, (thanks to no small part to our favourite girl!)  but he still has anger frustration and sadness to work through.  I like how you have him stop Molly from locking him out of the ‘adult’ conversation.  She’s acting out of love, over protective, misguided, and perhaps ultimately dangerous that may be.  She is a fully realized character, and you do a great job hinting at her emotions rather than have her shrilly nagging her ‘children’. 

I believed Harry’s reaction to hearing noises, and his careful check of who was home.  After all, if it were Molly, there would be breakfast. (grin) 

Strangely, I liked the scene where all the men try to find out what is going on, and are interrupting each other.  Felt very real.  I have had those conversations, and as annoying as they are, they happen in tense situations often.  (Loved Fluer’s gentle calming influence over Bill.  You do well with subtle interactions.)

Hee. Giggle.  Poor Harry.  I’m starting to get the feeling he won’t often win against Ginny…And she got a blush!  Good for her.  (grin)

Very glad to see that the Memorial is going to still happen, and that Lupin was the one to force the issue.  I like that he’s taking up for the things that Harry wants, even if it’s just in Sirius’s name.

I  love the small details best I think:  The way Bill clenches his hands to keep his temper, Harry forcing himself not to cry, Molly bustling in the kitchen to bring some normalcy to her day, caring for her loved ones while fighting her own stress.  Wonderful, moving chapter, great job.  Sentence structure and grammar were lovely.  My thanks to your betas.  And thank you for sharing your creation.  I appreciate it.