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Reviews For The Black Rose by Lady Padfoot

Saturday 20th October 2007 19:22
The Black Rose
lol. interesting to see it from cissy's pov, wish it was longer though
Wednesday 25th January 2006 16:28
The Black Rose
Just as good as the other story, just picked something up. in this one, Andromenda is in Ravenclaw, the other Gryffindor.
Tuesday 7th February 2006 15:17The Black Rose (Author Response)
Just as good as the other story, just picked something up. in this one, Andromenda is in Ravenclaw, the other Gryffindor.

Oh dear. Well there's not much I can do now, although I'll keep that in mind when I put it up on Sugarquill.
Saturday 12th November 2005 05:10
The Black Rose

Hi ya, I just read it and I liked what I saw. It's always good to see the other charactors. I'm glad you chose to do this one. Not many are willing to get into the mind of the darker charactors. One of mine is coming up that deals with two of the most evil ones there are. If that is a fraction as good as your's then I would be truly happy.

All the best, and long may your darkness shine through.


Friday 11th November 2005 14:30
The Black Rose
Aw, it's come a long way since I last saw it. Sorry yet again for the issues we had when going over this.

It's a strange story. A frankly creepy look inside the mind of a woman I despise, a short glimpse of how her brain works... I love it all the more this time of reading. I think I found it easier to appreciate this time around. If you're not sure about this one, go away and come back to it... you'll feel the same way I do.

Lovely work, Erin.

Sarah, who spent ages with the capslock to make your review perfect.
Friday 11th November 2005 13:35
The Black Rose
Aw, it's come a long way since I last saw it. Sorry yet again for the issues we had when going over this.

It's a strange story. A frankly creepy look inside the mind of a woman I despise, a short glimpse of how her brain works... I love it all the more this time of reading. I think I found it easier to appreciate this time around. If you're not sure about this one, go away and come back to it... you'll feel the same way I do.

Lovely work, Erin.

Sarah, who spent ages with the capslock to make your review perfect.
Friday 11th November 2005 13:33
The Black Rose
Aw, it's come a long way since I last saw it. Sorry yet again for the issues we had when going over this.

It's a strange story. A frankly creepy look inside the mind of a woman I despise, a short glimpse of how her brain works... I love it all the more this time of reading. I think I found it easier to appreciate this time around. If you're not sure about this one, go away and come back to it... you'll feel the same way I do.

Lovely work, Erin.

Sarah, who spent ages with the capslock to make your review perfect.
Thursday 10th November 2005 22:45
The Black Rose
Quite short, but it's a nice look into Bellatrix's mind. Good job. 
Friday 11th November 2005 08:25The Black Rose (Author Response)
Thanks.  I just didn't get the feeling that it should be longer. 
Thursday 10th November 2005 22:02
The Black Rose
Nice! This is a good match to the Sirius piece (I read that first after I saw your summary). he took up with Potter, from a long line of reckless idiots - very funny! I think you got both of their attitudes spot on. It was really interesting to see how they both viewed the different members of their family - accurate depictions both ways. (Though was Andromeda in Ravenclaw or Gryffindor - got a bit confused there.) Good job.
Friday 11th November 2005 08:27The Black Rose (Author Response)
I put Andromeda in Ravenclaw, but she could have been in Gryffindor.  It's not confirmed, so I decided on Ravenclaw for the story.  Glad you liked it!