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Reviews For Dog Star by hewithnoname

Thursday 11th May 2006 01:03
Dog Star
That was terribly amusing. I really don't know what to say about this chapter. I've worked maintenance before, and I've known my share of H and Ivor's. Not sure how this fits into the story, except for a fine comical break, but I enjoyed it all the same.
Thursday 11th May 2006 09:52Dog Star (Author Response)
Thanks for the review, as a maintanance worker myself I thought "What would I think?" At having to repair and clean up. So I just plucked H and Ivor out of my head and wrote. This one was one of the easiest to write, also the one that had me most worried. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. It was part comical break, part challenge, and mostly because I could. Once again thank you.
Monday 17th April 2006 12:50
Dog Star
Uh...what was the point of that chapter?
Monday 17th April 2006 12:57Dog Star (Author Response)
The point of that chapter was, just a different point of view. The whole point of writting fan fiction is to push your ideas. Everybody has done a Harry's version, or a Ron's version. I tried to do something that people hadn't thought about. I also got tried of writting doom and sodding gloom. So I attempted to write comedy. Just a little thing to break it all up. You have to admit though. Nobody has ever thought about doing that before. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy it, well as I don't know you I'm not really sorry at all, but please read and reveiw the other one's. I thank you for your time.
Billie Bowtrunckle
Tuesday 11th April 2006 19:12
Dog Star
LOL! I loved what you did with the statues! I can just see the house-elf statue dragging itself around, determinedly sweeping up bits of stone....and maybe it's own foot. Well, that's a bit macabre. But all the same I got a nice chuckle out of Stan boasting about having Harry Potter's toothbrush. Great job on the dialogue. I know of few authors who will actually devote a whole chapter to characters with heavy accents. It's probably why Hagrid is mysteriously absent or conveniently running errands for Dumbledore in many fics!
Wednesday 12th April 2006 13:45Dog Star (Author Response)
Thank you for your review, it means alot when someone says they liked your jokes. It's old red eyes turn next, so it's back to the old doom and gloom.
Monday 14th November 2005 01:52
Dog Star
Cute story with a unique perspective.  The names made me smile as did the corney joke.  H and Ivor really are colorful characters!  Makes one wonder what some of the other scenes of destruction throughout the series might look like through the eyes of those who have to clean up after Harry and company!  Nice work.  I'm looking forward to the next installment.
Monday 14th November 2005 02:31Dog Star (Author Response)
I've had all these jokes going around my head for some time and just had to write them in. Ivor bless him has been in there since I was 9 years of age. I'm 32 now. So you see it had to came out. ( I can think straight now.) You'll be pleased, (or not.) That it is back to doom and good old honest gloom in the next one, LOL. As it's old red eyes turn. Thank you for your review, it means alot.
Sunday 13th November 2005 23:48
Dog Star
Very, very clever.  The personality of the house elf was a funny touch.  Well done!
Monday 14th November 2005 02:24Dog Star (Author Response)
Thank you. I couldn't of done all of this without all your help and support. And for that I thank you.
Sunday 13th November 2005 17:35
Dog Star
Oh dear, that was quite funny - is it inappropriate for me to say that, given this is the aftermath of the Dept of Mysteries? You did a great job with these 'maintenance workers' - very true to life (or true to stereotype, perhaps) - the cuppa breaks, the celebrity thing (HP's toothbrush - HAH!), the not-so-good-at-spells thing, the pay-rise thing... I could go on. It's quite a change of mood from the rest of your very emotional story, but a bit of comic relief is a good thing. Good work!
Monday 14th November 2005 02:23Dog Star (Author Response)
As a maintenance worker myself I had to have a say on how things work 'Backstage',LOL. I was more worried about this one than all the rest put together. As this is more me, so to speak. Thanks for your reveiw. The next two are quite different as well.