Author: DADAGinny Home (Young Teens) Completed Word count:657 Summary: Harry reflects upon the meaning of home.
Author: DailyProphetReporting The Season (Young Teens) WIP Word count:45,032 Summary: Follow along as The Daily Prophet's team of diligent, 'unbiased' reporters cover the excitement surrounding Harry Potter's first season in professional Quidditch. Controversy, glory, scandal and maybe even romance await the game's newest hero.
Alone (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,547 Summary: In the middle of his sixth year, Valentine's Day catches Harry unprepared: unprepared for its arrival, unprepared for its distractions, unprepared for the revelation he might not be alone. Happily Ever After (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,402 Summary: With the war finally over, Ginny Weasley spends a moment too good to be true with the boy she loves. Written for the SIYE End of Term Challenge.
Author: DaisyFlo The Dark and Twisting Path (Young Teens) WIP Word count:12,353 Summary: Starting off where the sixth book ends, a dark and twisting path lies ahead…
Author: Dancer24 Plus ça change... (Young Teens) WIP Word count:1,194 Summary: During the summer after Harry's 5th year, Ginny and the trio are stuck in a strange woman's house, left with nothing but questions. What is happening outside in the war against Voldemort? What are the rest of the Weasleys up to? Will Ron and Hermione ever admit their feelings for each other? And what about Harry? But most importantly, what is happening to Ginny? Odd Beginnings (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,732 Summary: What if Harry and Ginny's first meeting wasn't at Platform 9 3/4?
Author: dancinginmagic Even Now (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,326 Summary: All these years and there's still room for improvement. How could he forget? Much Love, Peace and Sunrises (Everyone) Completed Word count:810 Summary: The sun rises over Little Hangleton beginning a very special day for one young girl. My Sunrise (Everyone) Completed Word count:678 Summary: It's odd, how even the weather holds memories. These are Harry's. Our Peter (Everyone) Completed Word count:722 Summary: Live in Remus’ mind for a night and examine the person who was once his friend.
Author: dancinginvalids Caught in the Moments (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,175 Summary: On a snowy night, Remus Lupin is trapped in his thoughts and memories, musing on the past and future in the East Astronomy Tower.
Author: daniel_r_crazy22
Author: Darker_Rage Serenity (Teens) Completed Word count:1,201 Summary: Someone takes a walk through the Hogwarts grounds to visit an old friend, nine years after the end of the War. Serenity is a songfic inspired by the Firefly TV theme tune.
Author: DC SugarQuill Foolish (Young Teens) WIP Word count:1,583 Summary: Harry's feelings for Cho have resurfaced again, and Ginny must play matchmaker
Author: DeadlySecrets Always There for You (Teens) Completed Word count:1,122 Summary: Post-HBP, Ron and Hermione find comfort (and maybe something else) in each other. One-shot.
Author: deej
Author: DeeMarie Twelve Days of Christmas (Mature) WIP Word count:18,840 Summary: Ginny has been missing for 4 years. Remus Lupin has found her and returns her. But the problem is, she has amnesia and doesn't remember her life before 4 years ago. To complicate matters, she has developed feelings for Remus. But is it really Ginny who has returned?
Author: deenas One Year (Teens) Completed Word count:76,889 Summary: Ginny is about to begin her 7th year at Hogwarts. She'll be off on her own without Harry, Ron or Hermione for the first time. Instead of the ghost of Tom Riddle, Ginny will have to deal with a new Quidditch team, an annoying classmate, rumours and a pesky Ravenclaw who won't leave her alone.
Author: Delani A Harry Potter Sing-Along (Young Teens) WIP Word count:606 Summary: In this new collaboration of dreadfully lame song parodies and terrible puns, follow different Harry Potter characters as they discover life’s hard lessons, love’s trials and tribulations, and what truly lies in their hearts (all while singing in verse, no less!). Parodies Galore (Young Teens) WIP Word count:11,770 Summary: A series of song parodies written to the many misfortunes and musings of the Harry Potter realm: A guaranteed smile any day!
I Do (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,574 Summary: What would Valentine's Day be without some fluff? Written for PS Valentine's Day Contest, this fic is just simple fun and happiness! Takes place Post-Hogwarts.
Author: Delfino The Invasion (Young Teens) WIP Word count:40,666 Summary: Pre-DH [I began writing this even before the release of HBP, so I did not know that J.K. Rowling would be doing basically the same thing, as far as having Death Eaters in Hogwarts. But give this story a chance--it's different than DH!]
It's been a year, maybe more, since Harry Potter has walked freely without a Death Eater at his side. And as the days trickle by, Harry, Ron, and Hermione are slowly becoming more and more desperate.....
After the Hogwarts Express is suddenly caught in the claws of Death Eaters, the students find themselves trapped inside their school by the very people they had been fighting. With Ginny outside the castle walls, can Harry find a way to save himself, and his friends, before it's too late?
[I've been gone for far too long and I'm finally back and ready to write! Hopefully everyone is willing to read along with me!!!!]
Author: Dellaran How I Brought them Together (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,253 Summary: A Ron/Hermione story from a unique point of view. Written for the Gryffindor Tower 2003 Valentine's Day contest. Problems and Solutions (Young Teens) Completed Word count:7,420 Summary: Ginny is tired of waiting for Harry to notice her and tries to help him along a bit. The results aren't exactly what she had in mind. The Man Who Wasn't There (Young Teens) Completed Word count:11,675 Summary: A first date goes badly wrong, and Harry finds himself up a tree. Literally. Watch out for low-flying owls, the Tickling Charm of Flaming Death, and objects falling into Hermione's bed. (Oof!)
Author: Delylah Harry Potter and the Deadly Deception (Teens) WIP Word count:61,877 Summary: Harry could not stand this, he could not stand being Harry anymore.... He had never felt more trapped inside his own head and body, never wished so intensely that he could be somebody--anybody--else....
--Order of the Phoenix, U.S. edition, page 822.
Sometimes the best place to in plain sight. A Necessary Farewell (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,386 Summary: A farewell is necessary before we can meet again, and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime is certain for those who are friends. -- Anonymous
Deeper Than You'd Think (Teens) Completed Word count:3,441 Summary: Harry and Ginny take an afternoon dip to escape the summer heat. Unfortunately, where Harry goes, trouble always seems to follow. Every Time I Cry Your Name (Young Teens) Completed Word count:3,836 Summary: It's been a month since Harry defeated Voldemort. He and Ginny should be happy together, but the aftermath of a year apart has come between them, and neither seems to know how to bridge the distance between them. Taciturn (Young Teens) Completed Word count:4,226 Summary: On the eve of their return to Hogwarts, Ginny recalls certain events of her fifth year and the summer following while standing by the pond at The Burrow with Harry. This was written pre-HBP, but is actually about Ginny's fifth year and Harry's sixth.
The Seventh Letter (Teens) Completed Word count:2,301 Summary: After a victorious match against Slytherin during her seventh year at Hogwarts, Ginny Weasley receives a visitor bearing a letter that could change her future. Tongue-Tied (Everyone) Completed Word count:2,997 Summary: Harry and Ginny have something to say to each other, but somehow the right words won't come out. In fact, no words will come out. So now what? Takes place the summer before Harry's seventh year, Ginny's sixth. Up To No Good (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,338 Summary: Ever wonder how Fred and George learned the password for the Marauder's Map? Only they could meet the requirements to unlock it. (Written in 2009.) With a Tentative Touch (Young Teens) Completed Word count:2,729 Summary: Harry is angry and lonely at the Dursleys' during the summer after fifth year. He receives a special gift that helps him cope.
Boycotting Valentine's Day (Young Teens) Completed Word count:1,500 Summary: Hogwarts is celebrating Valentine's Day with a ball during Harry's sixth year, but Harry, fed up with the sentimentality of the holiday, refuses to attend. Ginny, Ginny (Young Teens) Completed Word count:5,849 Summary: Ginny begins receiving mysterious notes from a secret admirer who signs himself "A Solitary Seeker." Harry helps her decipher who is sending them. Hidden Treasures (Young Teens) Completed Word count:4,998 Summary: Harry takes it upon himself to clean out the attic at Grimmauld Place alone. What secrets lie beneath the dust and within the piled boxes? And will Harry let anyone intrude on his grief? Love Fool (Teens) Completed Word count:26,482 Summary: Originally written for the Harry Potter / Ginny Weasley Ficafest on LiveJournal. Challenge #25: Harry makes a love potion, and it doesn't go off as planned.
Author: Diana Harrington-Winters It's Yours to Claim It All (Teens) WIP Word count:3,422 Summary: Prophecies that don't play out how anyone expects, even more attention from the media, and a maybe-not-so-ex-girlfriend with a lot on her mind... these are a few of the challenges Harry Potter faces in claiming a life for himself. NOT part of the AiL universe. Under Your Spell (Young Teens) WIP Word count:2,834 Summary: Follows "Out of Shadows". The Battle's Done (Teens) Completed Word count:3,787 Summary: A week after Voldemort's second defeat, Harry has a confession to make to Ginny...
Rest At Last (Young Teens) Completed Word count:4,594 Summary: Harry visits the Dursleys and receives a letter... (the sequel to "The Battle's Done").
Gifts (Teens) Completed Word count:3,151 Summary: Follows "Rest At Last" Out of the Shadows (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,603 Summary: Follows "Gifts"
Author: DLG
Author: dogstar Moments in Love (Everyone) Completed Word count:1,854 Summary: The day after the battle, Ron finds comfort in Hermione's presence. Slight Return (Teens) Completed Word count:5,548 Summary: Rose and Scorpius haven't seen each other since leaving school. They have some catching up to do.
Author: Domino Strength of Love (Young Teens) WIP Word count:17,422 Summary: A different Harry comes to stay at the Burrow after the events of the Tri-ward Championship, and no one knows quite what to do. H/G, R/H. Covers Harry's 5th year. Surviving Voldemort, prophecies, girls, growing up.
Author: DQBunny
Author: Dragen
Author: dragnewauckland
Author: Dragonlady A Lioness (Young Teens) Completed Word count:14,538 Summary: "Professor McGonagall!" said Snape, striding forward. "Out of St. Mungo's, I see!"
-Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The events after the attack in the Department of Mysteries from Minerva McGonagall's point of view. Chronicles from her return to Hogwarts until the end of term. Featuring Albus Dumbledore, with cameos by Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley, and Poppy Pomfrey.
Author: DreamcoatMom Lunar Eclipse (Young Teens) WIP Word count:7,696 Summary: Remus Lupin hasn't given himself a chance to grieve for Sirius, but an unexpected friend emerges during a long night's vigil outside number four, Privet Drive to offer him some much-needed comfort. In the Rubble of Her Girlhood (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,918 Summary: DH missing moments, Ginny's POV. In the course of the final battle, Ginny learns how precious the gifts of life, love, and the right to have them freely, can be.
Author: Drie Pictures of You (Everyone) Completed Word count:3,167 Summary: Ron looks at photos and reflects on his life with Hermione.