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Reviews For Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor by Hank

Thursday 28th December 2006 20:40
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Wow. This Moody is a lot more...sentlementle? Something like that. Can't think of the word. Very good chapter. I can't wait to see how that all works out.
Thursday 11th January 2007 10:51Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Moody is one of those characters that I wanted to flesh out further. In the book he's pretty two-dimensional, if even that. I like his character and I want to make good use of him in the story. Ginny, Moody, and McGonagall are three characters I needed to develop further in order to make this story work. Of course, given all the good starting material from JKR, a couple of stolen socks from Imogen, and a pair of tartan boxers from Ashwinder it was too easy. (If you've never read Ashwinder and Imogen you REALLY, REALLY need to.)

Thanks for all of the kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed the story.
Thursday 5th October 2006 10:34
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Interesting scenario with the MoM requiring 'night duty' -- and it does sound somewhat like the type of thing Fudge would do (protect his own and not care about the "lesser" people). But that is kind of like the PM calling in the Ministry of Education (or Health) to help the army protect Buckingham Palace (or Downing Street). Its likely to be counterproductive (people doing more harm than good). Granted you've got a war scenario, but even then the PM would only call up those who've had military training. Maybe this is not a good analogy, but I do think there is a weakness here .
'The boy needs to be training, not hiding out' -- a failing in JKR's world; though there is another way of looking at the prophecy -- not that Harry is an exceptional (or even needs to be) wizard; but merely that he has the destiny and ability to defeat Voldemort but not that he is able to defeat lesser wizards (kind of like a version of the card game War where a deuce takes an Ace but, of course, is taken by any other card); not that I subscribe to that scenario.
I like your Moody -- very down to earth. Are the 'children' so good? Are were they just lucky? (as Moody hints at a bit). I like them being capable. And what are Gred and Forge going to cook up? Something fun I hope .
Thursday 5th October 2006 11:29Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
You'll see what Gred and Forge are up to soon enough... Heh, heh.

To answer your question about Fudge and calling up Arthur Weasley for night duty - you need to remember two things: Arthur works for the MLES (Magical Law Enforcement - sort of like the police) and there hasn't been a new class of Aurors inducted in three years(!). Given the latter, and the fact that there is no wizard army the only choice Fudge has is to call up everyone remotely related to law enforcement. Given the lack of new Aurors, I believe that there won't be enough to go around, let alone for 24-hour around the clock coverage.

In Moody's eyes the kids really are good, but he's not going to let them know that lest they let down their guard. Remember: CONSTANT VIGILANCE!

Thanks for the review!
Monday 27th February 2006 13:19
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
I like your long chapters. They allow me to get lost in the story. Plus there're no distractions to bring me back to reality.

Thank you for sharing.
Monday 27th February 2006 14:05Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
My pleasure. Glad to hear you're still enjoying the story! If you like long chapters, wait until you get to chapters 10 and 11. I really should have split up chapter 10, but it all sort of finished up at once, so it got posted that way.

Thanks for the review!
Wednesday 30th March 2005 10:29
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Figures that Moody would own "The Anarchist Cookbook"
Wizarding landmines. Oh, boy is that going to be fun.
Weasley Wizarding Weezes just changed their name to Weasley's Wizarding Weapons. There's an idea for you....
Good chapter. The idea of Ron teaching Herm is great - and Moody is right - Herm thinks too much.
Rhymes With Orange
Wednesday 19th January 2005 03:02
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

This is shaping up to be a really nice tale.  I like what you've done so far.

Dumbledore is a twit, though.  I *hope* he doesn't turn into that in canon, although it is completely believable that he *could*.  Needs to pull his head out of his +blocked+.

Moody is brilliant, of course.

The thought of the twins getting their hands on a copy of the Anarchist Cookbook is *truly* frightening.  Disturbing, even.  I (almost) weep for the poor Death Eaters (not really).

Wednesday 19th January 2005 10:35Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)
Thank you for the kind words.  I do want to make mention of Dumbledore.  It is not my intention to portray him as a twit.  I believe he made a lot of mistakes in some of the previous books, especially Order of the Phoenix and the point in time when Sirius was sent to Azkaban (he really should have looked into this a bit closer).  There were a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up from OotP, many of those were mistakes he made, and in this work, I am trying to tie up those loose ends.  In order to get the story where it wants to go, Dumbledore will make more mistakes.  Bear in mind, though, that it is my intention to portray him as a good man (er, wizard) who is doing the best he can.  No one person can run an entire war in the manner in which he is doing and not make mistakes.  He will redeem himself, however, based on what I read into OotP I think there will be further confrontation with Harry before their friendship is restored.  And, since I'm the one writing this novel, that's the way the story is going to go.  Whether or not it's the way Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince goes remains to be seen, but I think it will make for some very interesting story developments.
Sunday 2nd January 2005 00:53
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

LOL! This was brilliant! I loved this chapter! Moody's so funny!

I, personally am so proud of Harry. I just wish he would sneak over to the Burrow and be apart of the training as well. I mean if anything he needs to be training the most!

I love Mr. Weasley too, taking everyone outside to practice their defense. I'm really excited to see the training sessions! This story is absolutely fantastic!

Bring Harry to the Burrow, and let's see how Ginny's plan works. She certainly seems to have wicked offensive and defensive abilities, considering Ron and Hermione are a year ahead of her and she lasted longer. I'm sure she has more to drive her, the same with Harry. Did I mention the fact that I love how you made Hermione not the best at something, haha, she has to get trained by Ron. Perfect! I love it!!!!

I can't wait for more. I'll be unpatiently awaiting an update. Please please update soon. This story has officially become one of my favorite Harry Potter 6th year stories. I can't wait for the next chapter! Please post some more soon!!!!

Tuesday 4th January 2005 11:07Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor (Author Response)

Wow.  I'm humbled by your kind words...  Thank you and thanks for reviewing all of the chapters and letting me know what you liked.  Chapter 5 is almost ready for posting and chapters 6-9 are with my beta for review, so rest assured, there is more to come.  I just hope I can get everything done before this summer!

Thursday 30th December 2004 20:12
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
really good fic you got here i cant wait for more updates this is a verry well thought out story
Waywren Truesong
Wednesday 29th December 2004 20:08
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
Oh my.  Alastor is VICIOUS.  Must dash, love your work!
Wednesday 29th December 2004 19:38
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

I have just finished reading your first four chapters at one whack, so there is not a review for each one.  I was unsure of starting "another" long chaptered fic, but your prologue pulled me in.  You have approached Harry's time with the Dursleys more as I believe Harry will react, and you show several other areas of originality in your approach to people's actions and thoughts.  These are often closer to my own feelings than most fics, or else give me something to think about.  Sorry I don't have time to be specific.  Maybe I will be able to leave more detailed comments on succeeding chapters.  I look forward to the updates.

Shadow Hider
Wednesday 29th December 2004 19:12
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor
^_^ can't wait to read more!
Robert Owen
Wednesday 29th December 2004 03:17
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

Great!  Moody's impressed, Molly's +blocked+ed, and Alaster has just given the boys the Anarchist Cookbook, can we say "Oh Sh#T!"  The Death Eaters will never know what hit em.




Cygnus Crux
Tuesday 28th December 2004 22:04
Harry Potter and the Sword of Gryffindor

I like what I see so far.

I also agree with your Moody's view on Hermione's duelling skills. It remains to be seen what J.K. Rowling will do. Hermione did prove that she's able to think quickly in a tight spot on several occasions, but on other occasions her complicated thoughts bogged her down. Like Moody, I believe that in the end Hermione's tendency to over-intellectualise matters would be more of a bane than a boon in the heat of battle.