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Reviews For Distractions by Elsha

Wednesday 26th July 2006 00:53
Your story is brilliant so far...I'm all fluttery and anxious to find out what happens. Very good. You portray Nott particularily well...
And, what song was it that Anne charmed Umbridges's desk to sing?
Adeline Avin
Monday 23rd May 2005 15:43
I've read your fics on the SQ, and yet I find myself reading them again now that you're posting them here. I can't get enough of Anne and Theo, when I'm reading HBP in July I'll find myself looking for them and I'll be very dissapointed when there's no mention of them.
Monday 23rd May 2005 13:34

Wow. I'm glad I found this one!

I see too much fanfic where Nott immediately comes to a decision to support Harry and joins the DA, etc, etc, or rejects the Dark side too quickly. Your story is revealing every step of his change of opinions, from his unquestioning hatred of all things Muggle to struggling with himself and trying to sort out his feelings - or rather, not think about them.

It puts such an interesting angle on it all, to see so much from the POV of a seemingly non-influential made-up. Anne is a very interesting character. Her references to the Holocaust were very true; it's a comparison that has been playing on my mind recently, and I'm glad someone has reached the same idea that I have. She reminds me of me; I'd love to meet her!

The absence of Gryffindors is another intriguing aspect of this story. So many authors would have her developing a friendship with a Gryffindor and seeing much of the development of her fifth year that way, but Distractions provides a welcome insight into what it would be like on the outside, not quite sure about it all.

More, more, MORE!!!
