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Reviews For Heart of Gold by Wings

Saturday 26th May 2007 12:09
Heart of Gold
OK, I must say that the last paragraph was quite predictable. But the story is such an enjoyable read.
Friday 29th December 2006 15:09
Heart of Gold
I really enjoyed the dialogue first between Liam, his sister, and Regulus, and then the first dialogue between Snape and Regulus. I just really like your Snape in general actually. I would like to like Jacks more; he seems like a really cool guy, but right now he seems a bit ambiguous as far as personality goes... Speaking of cool characters, I am theorizing that there is more to Alec than meets the eye (I won't state my reasons why but they are not pretty).
Also, what's this about a green-eyed witch that Regulus can't place?

I will never tire of giving you my opinion.
Saturday 21st October 2006 09:53
Heart of Gold

At first I wondered if Snape was doing his own thing with Regulus, but it seems at this point in the story Snape is a fully committed follower of Tom Riddle. I still hold out hope for Snape's redemption.
Monday 23rd October 2006 15:23Heart of Gold (Author Response)
Snape is a very interesting character. One of the most interesting, in my opinion. And the reason he is interesting is because of his ambiguity. You just never know what he's going to do...
Saturday 23rd September 2006 12:59
Heart of Gold

Just when I thought, he's going to take Liam's side and double-cross Voldemort, Liam finds out about his involvement with the other side... So he probably won't even *want* Regulus' help.


And poor Aislinn. I wonder what she will say when - if?- Liam tells her what he found about Regulus.

I'm looking forward to the next chapter. I'm glad you make them so long. It makes up for the wait in-between.
Wednesday 27th September 2006 14:03Heart of Gold (Author Response)

I always look for your review now. I love reading what you have to say! This chapter had the potential to be explosive, in my opinion...I was almost afraid to post it. I'm really glad to see what people think! And I have fun making them long, too - I think it does the subject justice, rather than just getting out a shorter chapter every couple days. It also works well with my college work load! Keep checking back, should be up soon...

Friday 22nd September 2006 11:44
Heart of Gold
Wings!! Great chapter! Really pivotal, just like you said it would be! Poor Aislinn!!! oh man, this is serious now. I think my favorite parts were the arguments Snape used to convice Regulus to stay, etc. Really ingenious, and exACTly the kinds of arguments the Dark Lord and his Death Eaters would use. Very clever, very subtle. And I'd bet the farm that Regulus wasn't the one who wrote "deserted" with a red circle, was he? Voldy and Snape planted that on him to cause a rift with Liam, right?? EEP! And just when Regulus had decided to leave, too! Ohh, this isn't good... I also thought the stuff at Reg's office was interesting, I'm guessing we'll get more specifics on that soon... Looking forward to it.
Really fun to read, very compelling, my dear wings! I am under the weather today, and this was a good distraction. :-) Can't wait to see what happens next. I hope all is well with you at school and everything...gimme a call sometime when you have a moment. MISSSSS YOU! *love and hugs*
Friday 22nd September 2006 11:59Heart of Gold (Author Response)
Pawprints, while I am sorry that you are under the weather today, I'm so glad that you were able to read the chapter. I always value what you have to say! I'm going to have to play JKR here and giggle mischeviously and say, "no comment." I will say that I am a little concerned at how well you can read me. Though, perhaps I shouldn't be...hope you're feeling better, and I will try to find a little time to drop you a line in the near future! Miss you too!
Thursday 21st September 2006 10:34
Heart of Gold
Wings, you're really doing this subject justice. You're weaving a very intricate tale whose end is, unfortunately, tragic. Regulus is certainly getting himself in over his head and I'm not sure I feel very sorry for him; the character I find myself identifying with is Liam and my heart goes out to him for the hurt he and his sister will be sharing in the chapters to come. The other thing I really liked about this chapter is your development of Severus Snape. I've told you this before...I can see the beginnings of who he will ultimately turn out to be in his demeanor in this chapter. Keep up the great work. I look forward to seeing what chapter five will bring.