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Reviews For A Forgotten Love by Kari Lynn

Saturday 23rd April 2005 07:10
A Forgotten Love
Wow. A Herm fic. Good. And that everything isn't nicey nice at the beginning is cool. Hope to see more. This is a good start.

One note: the jarring jumps between flashbacks and the present is kinda hard to follow. It is more of a formatting problem - making them italics is only part of it. Maybe some lines ---- in between? Just an idea. Good work all around, though, and I like the Dixie Chicks work. It is SO Hermione in this fic.
Saturday 30th April 2005 14:47A Forgotten Love (Author Response)
Wow. A Herm fic. Good. And that everything isn't nicey nice at the beginning is cool. Hope to see more. This is a good start.

One note: the jarring jumps between flashbacks and the present is kinda hard to follow. It is more of a formatting problem - making them italics is only part of it. Maybe some lines ---- in between? Just an idea. Good work all around, though, and I like the Dixie Chicks work. It is SO Hermione in this fic.

Thanks! Yeah, the songs I have included are my inspiration. Music is a wonderful cure to writers block, and inspiration even when there is no block. I especially like to include the lyrics I drew thought from, just as a sort of tribute, and to give any and all readers a larger dimension as to what exactly is going on mentally.

Kari Lynn

Wednesday 16th March 2005 23:05
A Forgotten Love
I really like this story so far... I'm very curious to know what's going to happen next.  Your writing seems to flow very naturally, and I really like your style.  You might want to consider adding another beta reader or something, though, because I noticed several formatting (italics) flaws, and in the beginning you said Hermione was 26 when at the end you said she was 28.  Nothing major, just some small things I thought you'd appreciate knowing about and being able to fix.  Keep up the great work!!
Saturday 30th April 2005 14:59A Forgotten Love (Author Response)
I really like this story so far... I'm very curious to know what's going to happen next.  Your writing seems to flow very naturally, and I really like your style.  You might want to consider adding another beta reader or something, though, because I noticed several formatting (italics) flaws, and in the beginning you said Hermione was 26 when at the end you said she was 28.  Nothing major, just some small things I thought you'd appreciate knowing about and being able to fix.  Keep up the great work!!

Thanks very much, yeah I have since done that. I'm not very good with grammatics and such, and I realize that, so I've always need for another BETA. Thanks so much for taking the time to review, I really appreciate it and it's what gives me motivation to work on this, as opposed to another fic that's brewing, of which there are several.

Kari Lynn