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Reviews For The Hog's Head by MyGinevra

Sunday 10th April 2011 08:30
The Hog's Head
Well you certainly tortured that reunion out of Harry and Ginny and me lol.

I really appreciate the sideline story of Elizabeth. It's a poignant reminder that despite the carnage the war created amongst those we know and love it did in fact go far beyond that.
Sunday 10th April 2011 10:18The Hog's Head (Author Response)
The path to true love can be winding and full of obstacles.

The Derby family will show up again.

Thank you for the review.

Saturday 31st October 2009 13:56
The Hog's Head
haha nice In a way im glad that you set it up that ginny and harry didnt get to see each other right away it makes their reunion that much sweeter
Saturday 31st October 2009 17:03The Hog's Head (Author Response)
Yep, that was the idea, anticipation. It was pretty sweet too.
Friday 9th January 2009 21:23
The Hog's Head
I just finished the whole thing...all 54 chapters of it and am going to read it again !!! I, like so many others, wanted M O R E and this was just what I needed - thank you so much for doing this, it was BRILLIANT.
Saturday 10th January 2009 06:20The Hog's Head (Author Response)

Your review warms my heart on a cold, gray, snowy morning. All things must end, and HH was getting to be quite long Keep enjoying it, and thank you so much for letting me know that you do like it.

Friday 31st October 2008 09:09
The Hog's Head
A good read. Heh, I thought the R rating might actually be deserved, but I didnt see that.
Monday 3rd November 2008 09:02The Hog's Head (Author Response)
There aren't too many R-rated chapters early on, and they are all for violence. Later there will be a few for sexual content.

Wednesday 24th September 2008 23:37
The Hog's Head
good chapter it look neville got lucky
Thursday 25th September 2008 08:34The Hog's Head (Author Response)
Very lucky.
Sunday 7th September 2008 13:42
The Hog's Head
Awww! Again you had me crying! And the end was very hot. There's nothing like reading about some heavy kissing. More please!

LOL Too bad PS doesn't allow us to write more.

I'm on to*looks at number*...3! On to chappy 3!
Sunday 7th September 2008 15:14The Hog's Head (Author Response)

I'm loving your reviews. Very enthusiastic!

Friday 2nd May 2008 04:24
The Hog's Head

This is the best story ever .... not sure why you have two chapter 1's and two chapter 2's.....
Friday 2nd May 2008 06:55The Hog's Head (Author Response)
Thank you very much. I am glad you like it so much.

There's a Mature version and a Teen version for chapters 1, 2 and 7. The site requires that for stories that are rated Mature. Those three chapters are rated Mature for graphic descriptions of violence, specifically the wounds on Elizabeth Derby.