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Reviews For Ginny's House by MyGinevra

Saturday 7th November 2009 22:09
Ginny's House
hahahah thats was interesting... i wonder why the pensive is like that...
and why dont they ask the other headmaster/headmistress portraits about the pensive... and maybe see what fleur and bill might know about it...
Monday 14th September 2009 21:01
Ginny's House
I randomly happened to take a peek at this site the other day and saw that you had created a sequel to hog's head and i am so pleased. I only really read most DH fanfic now and i always enjoyed the quality of writting in 'hog's head.' I look forward to reading more of your work.
Monday 14th September 2009 21:44Ginny's House (Author Response)
Thank you! And I hope you enjoy Ginny's House, too!

Monday 14th September 2009 11:15
Ginny's House
Oh happy day! The sequel to The Hogs Head! I am loving every bit of your story as always. I had to laugh out loud when Harry suggested that he, Ginny, and the baby could comfortably all live in the flat together, because when I discovered I was pregnant with my daughter, my husband too suggested that we could continue to live in our tiny one bedroom apartment, because afterall "How much room does a baby really need?" LOL! It just goes to show, even though Harry is our hero, he is still just a clueless man sometimes. I love it! Keep up the good work! (Thanks for writing a sequel!) :
Monday 14th September 2009 11:29Ginny's House (Author Response)
Good to see you here at Ginny's House! I didn't intend to write a sequel but wouldn't leave me alone, the wench.

Harry has often been clueless, but he has other qualities, and eventually he seems to come around. I hope you enjoy his and Ginny's journey in this story.


Sunday 13th September 2009 19:47
Ginny's House
Wow, poor professor mcgonagall. i sure hope she's better soon. the twins are definitely on top of everything. but they don't remind me of fred and george, they remind me of harry, hermione, and ron.
Sunday 13th September 2009 19:57Ginny's House (Author Response)
You are probably right about the twins being more like the trio than like Fred and George, except that they tend to be not quite as serious in my mind, more like the Weasley twins in that respect. Interesting thought.

Friday 11th September 2009 15:26
Ginny's House
oooohhh, ok (slapping forehead) I KNEW I knew those names but hey, I DID catch the Yule Ball reference....
Friday 11th September 2009 17:26Ginny's House (Author Response)
I had to slip that one in someplace.
Friday 11th September 2009 13:16
Ginny's House
No bells ringing but I'm sure the minute you tell me I'll say OOOOhhh ok. So ring that bell
Friday 11th September 2009 15:04Ginny's House (Author Response)
Those were the names of Ginny's roommates in The Hog's Head. Sarah is a big fat orange cat who likes to be brushed, hence Sarah Brushmore. Christina is a nervous gray tabby who likes to nip at your heels until you do what she wants, hence Christina Shepherd.

Kind of an in-joke, I know, but I enjoyed it.

Friday 11th September 2009 08:17
Ginny's House
I love your sense of humor - Who did Neville take to the Yule Ball ? CUTE LOL.
The cat was interesting, innocent cat or animagus somehow casting a spell on certain people when they look into the pensive ??
Still can't wait to find out what's up with Firenze. I enojyed the chapter, it provoked more questions rather than answer any, yet.
Friday 11th September 2009 08:24Ginny's House (Author Response)
Provoking questions is my game. I love cats, btw, have two of my own, Sarah and Christina. Does that ring a bell?
