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Reviews For Excision by MyGinevra
Tuesday 19th May 2015 16:24
I really liked the twist on this story.
Tuesday 19th May 2015 23:05Excision (Author Response)
Thank you!

Monday 18th May 2015 23:54
Nicely done, Peter. It's good to see you back here! It was a nice twist to include more of Ginny. I always wondered what she was thinking when he crept by her.

I think my favorite part, however, was Hagrid's concern for Nagini. That just fit so well, and seemed so right.

Nice way to start my day!
Tuesday 19th May 2015 01:44Excision (Author Response)
Thank you, Melinda, I'm delighted to help get your day off to a good start. As you well know and I think you agree, I always felt that Ginny was given short shrift at the end of DH. Hagrid is such a teddy bear; you can't go wrong making his heart as big as himself.
