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Reviews For Beholders by Author by Night

Sunday 6th December 2015 13:46
I was wondering when we'd get to Ron and now that we have, I'm definitely pleased with his chapter. Not many fan fic writers have tackled the time between Ron's temper tantrum and his reappearance just in time to save Harry, so I was pleased when you took the time to make a big deal out of his time at Bill's. I love his talk with Remus because not only does it help Ron to see what he's done to his friends, it helps Remus redeem himself a little for leaving Tonks. In a way, the latter is just as important in helping Ron do what is right in the end as it is for Remus' self-esteem. I enjoyed the chapter enough to give it . Well done.
Sunday 6th December 2015 22:52Beholders (Author Response)
Thank you!
Wednesday 2nd December 2015 00:38
Nicely done. You really managed to capture Ron in this chapter. I like it a lot. I also like how Remus and Bill both help Ron in their own way.
Wednesday 2nd December 2015 14:10Beholders (Author Response)
Thank you! I don't write Ron often so I wasn't sure how it would go.